Astrology Alchemy Podcast

#289-"What is it You Have Been Waiting For?"--Week of December 2, 2024

Sheila Bélanger

This week, Mercury (Storyteller) retrograde in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter (Wise One) in Gemini and squares Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces. During this retrograde time out, re-evaluate your beliefs and attitudes about how to be more accountable to your sensitivity and emotional connection to yourself and others. The Sun (Conscious Self) conjoins Mercury in Sagittarius inviting you to a 4-month journey to explore new projects and ideas that want to manifest. What deeper truths and wisdom are you longing to explore now? Mars (Action-Taker) turns retrograde in Leo-Cancer for a 3-month journey to deep emotional reassessment of your personal will and necessary changes. Neptune (Visionary) turns direct in Pisces supporting you to go forward with your visions and aspirations after five months of clearing out inner cobwebs of self-doubt.

Podcast Poem: "You are Awakening to the Same Country" from Venus Williams 

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